I received this heartwarming e-mail from Suzanne, a very close friend of Dave’s dating back from grade school and soccer days. As the years passed, they always managed to keep in touch.
“I really want to thank you and tell you that all that you post on the website has been extremely meaningful to me. When I see and read about the special, very personal expressions of others, it brings me a feeling that I don’t think that I’ve ever had before. I can’t name it, either. In some way it’s a validation that although things will never be the same for anyone whose lives Dave touched, he is still part of my life, and for that I am thankful.
You see, Dave was my friend who pushed me to see the world in different (more beautiful) ways. He was my friend that I always knew I could count on to support me- whether it be with a silly everyday problem, or a large life decision. My friend who, no matter how near or far, could have a philosophical, deep exchange with me, that I would always leave feeling inspired. He was my friend that I couldn’t wait to continue to grow with.
Last week, on July 17th, I had a day of memorial for Dave in Brooklyn. I spent the day alone at the beach, doing all of the things that I loveĀ — reading, writing and relaxing — all the while really celebrating the wonder of life with Dave on my brain and in my heart as I stood in the salty water, feeling the waves and sea weed on my feet. Back home that evening, I bought some healthy fresh food, took a refreshing shower, and popped open a bottle of champagne that I had received for my birthday. As I lit a candle and toasted Dave I thought about you, and your family, and every friend, and imagined that we were all together. It was a beautiful day for a beautiful spirit.
I’ve attached a butterfly picture that I took in Ft. Greene Park, Brooklyn on July 15th, 2007. I was walking through the park by my house, when I noticed the butterfly on the side of a path. I took a few pictures of it, and was struck by how still and peaceful it was, even when I was about a foot and a half away with a camera up close. It was the next day, when I was reading the site sitting at my kitchen table that I had a serious case of the goosebumps – you know like when something just makes sense? An aha moment!?
Yes, Suzanne, many of us have had “Aha” moments. I have mentioned in several posts that our butterfly encounters have been amazing. We invite Dave’s friends and family to post their butterfly visits on this thread. I know I will.
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